Gifts of Service

Hi Everyone,

I hope you are taking care of yourselves. We love to share your gifts, talents, creativity and service as a community. If you have any hidden or not-so-hidden talents that you would like to share, please contact, and we can connect your talent with the Our Savior’s Community. It’s a great way to see each other and be seen.

Romans 12: 4-8

For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, in proportion to our faith; if service, in our serving; the one who teaches, in his teaching; the one who exhorts, in his exhortation; the one who contributes, in generosity; the one who leads, with zeal; the one who does acts of mercy, with cheerfulness.

An Important Message from Pastor Marty

Hey All,

I want to let you know that we have a few folks who are exhibiting symptoms of Covid-19 in our congregation who could use your prayers. 

Please keep Gerry and Irene in your prayers as they have been dealing with these symptoms for about a week and feel like they are getting through this time and are hopefully “on the mend.”

Caleb Collins has been exhibiting a fever and chest tightness for a few days too, so please keep him in your prayers as well.  He is feeling okay, but is very appreciative of all of our prayers and support.

Also, we pray for Delmar as he recovers from whatever foul bug he has been enduring as well.  I hope I’ve not missed anyone, and I know our prayers are going up for these folks from our congregation. 

I know there are others who are on our prayer chain, (and not on the prayer chain) who we need to raise up in prayers.  Please spend some of your day in prayer as a practice and as a blessing for each other.  Prayer matters, and prayer works.  Let us be in a season of prayer!

Keep well.  Stay home.  Be disciplined about staying inside and keeping social distancing guidelines as we all work to slow the spread of this virus. 

And again, please don’t come into the church building during this time for any reason as we go through this shelter in place order.


Please take time and read this letter from Bishop Jim.  We will be talking about this tomorrow at 1:00 at our bible study as well.

Reflections and Recommendations on Holy Communion during COVID-19 Pandemic

Pastor Marty

OSLC Blast for Monday March 30, 2020

Hey All,

Here we are in the last week of Lent! Unbelievable that Ash Wednesday seems like a decade ago. Normally I would be making plans for Holy Week during this time. There would be conversations about the altar, the songs, the flowers, the bulletins, the… preparation for Holy Week. But that isn’t the case now. Instead the preparation of what we know so well, the stuff we do every year is not available. So, what should we do?

This is my mindset going into this next couple of weeks. We are going to do Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter differently this year! And I don’t exactly know what that means! So please tune in to our worship times these next few weeks. Please take the time to connect with our group in Zoom meetings and be part of this process and development. I am not dreading these changes. In fact it is something to look forward to as a time of creativity and new ways of proclamation.

Another important discussion that we are having as pastors with Bishop Jim, is surrounding communion. Can we have a digital service of communion? Does it make sense? Is it necessary? How would people prepare? There are these and many hundreds of other questions about doing this in a digital way with a community that is spread out all over the place. But, do we hold back the gifts of grace found in the meal at a time when we are most in need of connection? Any and all of these questions are for the congregation to decide and discuss, not me. This is a community discussion. I am asking for you to think and pray about this question. It is not just a question for now, because we are in a digital world now. Can we, should we, or how should we go forward with the symbols and signs of our faith while we are in isolation? I look forward to hearing what the Spirit is calling us to do.

One thing I know we need to do is reach out to people and talk. Make time for those phone calls and emails and notes of support. Send a letter if you can’t reach someone. It’s good for each one of us to do the correspondence, and it is life giving for each of us to receive the support. We all need it! We all need to give it away too!

One additional digital gathering for this week will be our Wednesday Bible study which will meet digitally on Zoom at 1:00 pm. Look for that link in your email. 

Peace be with you! May you have a blessed week! And as Lent begins to wrap up, may the light of Christ shine brightly in all of our hearts.

Peace, Pastor Marty

This ‘n’ That

  • Devotion books for April through June – We have a plan to mail Christ in Our Home and The Word in Season to people who want them. Please call Dean if you are interested. Don’t have his contact? Please email
  • Save those toiletries, because Helping Hands will be back collecting items for the disadvantaged when we’re up and running again.

April Birthdays

  • Dan B – 4/7, Gretchen F – 4/8, Jamie C – 4/9, Spencer H – 4/9, Gerry F – 4/12, Delmar K– 4/12, Jane F – 4/17, Karen M – 4/24

Readings for Sunday, April 5 – Palm Sunday

  • Isaiah 50:4-9a, Psalm 31:9-16, Philipians 2:5-11, Matthew 26:14 thru 27:66 or Matthew 27:11-54

Mission Statement

Our Savior’s Lutheran Church connects people to God and Each Other. We embody this mission through Word and Sacrament Worship, Music, Faith Formation, Service, and Authentic Community.