An Important Message from Pastor Marty

Hey All,

I want to let you know that we have a few folks who are exhibiting symptoms of Covid-19 in our congregation who could use your prayers. 

Please keep Gerry and Irene in your prayers as they have been dealing with these symptoms for about a week and feel like they are getting through this time and are hopefully “on the mend.”

Caleb Collins has been exhibiting a fever and chest tightness for a few days too, so please keep him in your prayers as well.  He is feeling okay, but is very appreciative of all of our prayers and support.

Also, we pray for Delmar as he recovers from whatever foul bug he has been enduring as well.  I hope I’ve not missed anyone, and I know our prayers are going up for these folks from our congregation. 

I know there are others who are on our prayer chain, (and not on the prayer chain) who we need to raise up in prayers.  Please spend some of your day in prayer as a practice and as a blessing for each other.  Prayer matters, and prayer works.  Let us be in a season of prayer!

Keep well.  Stay home.  Be disciplined about staying inside and keeping social distancing guidelines as we all work to slow the spread of this virus. 

And again, please don’t come into the church building during this time for any reason as we go through this shelter in place order.


Please take time and read this letter from Bishop Jim.  We will be talking about this tomorrow at 1:00 at our bible study as well.

Reflections and Recommendations on Holy Communion during COVID-19 Pandemic

Pastor Marty