Our Team

Pastor: We are currently in a time of Pastoral transition. We should have a new pastor in place by mid September. Until that time we will have various local pastors fill in on Sunday morning. Stay tuned.


Office Administrator: Matthew Mortell

Matthew is a Colorado native and a recent creative writing student at Reed College in Portland Oregon. He can be reached in the church office 303-831-7023 or by email 



Music Minister: Caleb Collins


Caleb is a singer/songwriter, originally from Idaho, who has traveled the world performing, directing, orchestrating, arranging and collaborating in concert halls, aboard cruise ships, for Broadway shows, in churches and at various events and festivals. His work has been featured on Grammy & Dove Award Nominated albums. Music has allowed him to live many places, including: Idaho, Indiana, Tennessee, California, Colorado, and New York City. He has 5 solo albums and has also produced albums for other artists.

Caleb is passionate about creating and cultivating community through music and the arts, and is delighted to be serving and directing music at Our Savior’s.

Visit Caleb’s YouTube channel.